Pakistan airway : The Movie
Download English subtitles : format ASS or format SRT
Thank’s Philippe Briérre
Download Spanish subtitles : format ASS
Thank’s Pedro
The film is now available in Italian. Thank you for contacting me for the Italian version.

You want to get to the heart of a trip of 1 250km in the middle of the Pakistan Himalayas in solo bivouac flight? This film is for you! It is not intended to disseminate beautiful images but especially to live the adventure from the inside. Images are amateurs in embedded camera and is an amateur movie. The interview during the action, the galleys, comments, impressions, etc. Of course you will find also beautiful images and flying over the Broad Peak(8051m)
Why procure this movie?
– There are beautiful images
– But especially for finance this adventure and the next one.
The teaser
The film with a 1:10 time exists only in French and subtitled in English, Spanish or Italian.
At this time the movie exist only in dematerialized, ie to download.
With a donation of € 10 strong> to the association you will receive in exchange the possibility to download the film.
It is possible to pay by bank transfer, cash or Paypal. To order (without paypal) contact me on the address
To download directly the film with a donation via Paypal:
Conferences : Conference page
The versions of the film:
Envol vers les 8000 : 42 minutes, professional editing with voice over and for an audience novice in paragliding.
Pakistan Airway : 1h10, amateur film editing and more technical understanding of paragliding. For paragliders